Kevin's Great Podcast List
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This whole page is kinda roughly in the order of my favoritism, with my must-check favorites at top ... and those I check irregularly -- or I haven't tried yet -- listed towards the bottom.  I tend to dislike automatic podcast subscribers and aggregators, I prefer to pick and choose which episodes to download.  So, where possible, most of these links go to a list of epsiodes with descriptions. However, most of the podcasts found here do have iTunes pages, RSS feeds, XML feeds, etc., which are not listed.
Category:  My Must-Check Favorites !
Attack Ads!
Lively and well-thought rants about the evils of advertising -- and the entire mentality that has allowed ads to dominate our media and our very lives.
Chapo Trap House
Political humor and rants that are deliciously sick and twisted.  They're Left, and they're pissed off! -- Soundcloud -- Twitter Homepage
The Intercept
Journalism I trust from Glenn Greenwald and others.  Several podcasts including Intercepted & the relatively new "Deconstructed" Podcast.
This Is Hell ! !
A left-leaning news & current events podcast, typically 4 hours of in-depth interviews with 4 separate newsmakers or authors.  Note that they have recently started posting the separate component interviews of many episodes as separate audio files on Soundcloud here.
Trae Crowder
Trae Crowder, the "Liberal Redneck" comedian, became famous with viral videos trying to explain Southerners to the Coastal liberals.
Shane Mauss
Shane Mauss, comedian, interviews scientists on serious topics and often speaks about psychotropics.
Bernie Sanders
Presidential Candidate has brief but deep interviews with liberal newsmakers.
Losing Our Religion
Ex-"Mega-Church" Pastor Zach Gandara reflects with friends on the political, the spiritual, and the search for community.
A New and Ancient Story
Humanist and deep thinker Charles Eisenstein interviews guests about the transition from a doomed world back towards a new world ... (Other appearances here).
The C-Realm
C stands for Consciousness: trippy exploration of alternative viewpoints.  See Also:  Z-Realm, Psychonautica.
Devoted to the strangeness and beauty of all things that happen at night, as explored by a day person.
Unwelcome Guests
British/Malaysian anarchist podcast asks tough questions and specializes in unearthing original source audio of radical thinkers, and conspiracy evidence.  Economy, ecology, energy, and much more.
Pelecanus - Taylor Parker
Ecological podcast that seeks hope and good news in a time of environmental crisis.
Escape Pod
High-quality sci-fi short stories.
High-quality fanasy/fiction short stories.
High-quality horror/fiction short stories.
The Dunesteef
Usually a good quality fiction story, crosses boundaries & genres, followed by lengthy discussion of topics of geek interest, tangentially related to the story.
This American Life
Very popular podcast, strings together several stories on loosely related topics of current American life.  New location for direct download of episodes:

Some other cool NPR/Public Radio podcasts:
KALW Your Call Radio  -- a favorite of mine - thoughtful discussion with a gentle leftist take on current events - and caller input.  Also -  KCRW Un-Fictional  ; KBOO Locus Focus ; KPFA Against the Grain ; KPFA Guns 'n Butter ; Sustainable World Radio  ; NPR The SaltKCRW Which Way L.A.
Music public radio:  WBEZ Sound Opinions (Note: If you like a musical performance, they often separate it out on their archive page.)
Also:  The CurrentKEXP Song of the Day, KEXP Music that Matters, KCRW Top Tune
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!
Dinner Party Download
Planet Money (older RSS)
All Things Considered
The Ethicist
TED Radio
The Meat Blockade
A strange urban noir serial in progress.
Energy Transition Show
Highly informative news about the energy industry with an eye towards the transition to renewable sources.  The only apparent survivor of the Extra-Environmentalists' attempt to build a channel including video lectures and classes, but also many different topics... the one left is the Energy Transition Show.
99 Percent Invisible
Tiny radio stories that ask big questions about design, architecture, and our built environment.
Internet Archive
Never forget the "Internet Archive" and "Wayback Machine" for finding obscure audio and video content -- books, speech, news, and music.  I've sometimes spent hours searching pirate sites to find a certain piece of music, only to have it pop up immediately, legal and free, when I check the Internet Archive.  Link from there to Project Gutenberg, LibriVox, and other massive collections...  Which reminds me, I need to check out more free Podiobooks...  

More Choices: Pick a Category
Collapse (incl. Economics, etc.) Fiction / True Stories Current Events / News Real-Life Sciences History
Music Evansville Local Writing / Comedy / Film Meditation Gaming Hiatus / Where Are They Now ?

Category: Collapse (including Peak Oil, radical politics, economics [because pretty much any non-mainstream economic news site is blinking red by this point], sustainable living / survivalism, Singularity, etc.)
Long Now  SALT (Seminars on Long-Term Thinking) - Long Now Foundation
Full-length lectures (upwards of an hour) about civilization and its transition to a different state.  Link to the left goes to the SoundCloud page, where the audio is free.  The SALT homepage does not have an option to download the audio, only stream.
Radio Ecoshock Team Human with Douglas Rushkoff
Radical thinker explores modern memes and disinformation.
Radio Ecoshock Radio Ecoshock
A left-leaning podcast about ecological crises and collapse.  Also check Soundcloud for occasional bonuses.
KunstlerCcast  KunstlerCast
One of the original prophets of doom still generates controversy, but you can't ignore his insights.
Doomstead Diner Doomstead Diner
Another generally left-leaning podcast about ecological crises and collapse.
Greg Palast Greg Palast
Occasional podcast by leftist journalist who has exposed voter suppression and other radical causes.
Sub-media The Stimulator (a.k.a. ITEOTWAWKIAIFF)
Current news from a bad-ass anarchist perspective.  His videos may be downloaded free as either MP4s or audio MP3 podcasts, but I prefer the videos.  (Also on  "Goooooood morning, slaves!!"
Peak Prosperity Peak Prosperity
Chris Martenson, of the "Crash Course", discusses the economic impacts of Peak Oil.
Numinous Podcast Numinous Podcast
Carmen Spangola's podcast, The Numinous Podcast, deals with spiritual aspects of collapse.
Deep Green Resistance  Resistance Radio
Derrick Jensen's podcast, Deep Green Resistance, deals with ecological collapse.
The Unplugged Mom  The Unplugged Mom
Laurette Lynn decided to home-school her kids, started podcasting about it, and moved from there to explore all sorts of topics about politics, freedom, education, stereotypes and our mental cultural landscape.
Future Primitive Future Primitive
Interviews with an eco-feminist perspective.  
Kelly Carlin  Waking from the American Dream
Daughter of George Carlin discusses the entertainment/comedy/writing biz, Leftist politics, culture, with interesting guests from many fields.  One channel of "SMOD-cast," partly run by Kevin Smith, where you might find other amusing (if crude) content.
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Category:  Fiction and Stories (including true life stories), Dramas
Snap Judgment Snap Judgment
Exciting and terrifying true tales revolving around a theme.
The Truth  The Truth
Miniature audio dramas, usually with a twist.
Hooting Yard  Hooting Yard Podcasts
Want to confuse yourself and shake up your creativity?  Give Frank Key a listen.  Note - His own personal site including archives, hootingyard dot org, is blocked with extreme prejudice by my anti-virus software.
Kakos Industries  Kakos Industries Corporate Announcements
Most companies are evil, but only one actually owns the Trademark on Evil(TM).
Welcome to Nightvale  [Welcome to] Nightvale
News dispatches from a town where the surreal walks the streets.
Risk !  Risk !
"True Tales Boldly Told"
The Moth  The Moth
Unusual Live Storytelling.
Starship Sofa Starship Sofa
Magazine-style British sci-fi podcast usually includes several stories and articles.
Old Time Radio  Old Time Radio
If you like audio that paints a picture, you can download numerous free dramas and more from various "Old Time Radio" fan sites like this one, this one, or this one.  Mystery, sci-fi, western, you name it.
Extruding America  Extruding America
Comedic fiction dispatches from a very strange parallel America.
Lightspeed Magazine  Lightspeed Magazine
Major magazine publisher offers sample stories as podcasts.

(Also Note, Lightspeed Mag bought the former Fantasy Mag and another small archive of Fantasy podcasts remains here)
Fantasy Magazine  Fantasy Magazine
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Category: Current Events, News Interviews (typically includes politics and opinions, but not as main focus)
Thinking Allowed  Thinking Allowed
Dry wit from a crusty British sociologist named Laurie Taylor.
RadioLab  RadioLab
Various modern thinking-peoples' topics.
W T F ? ?  W T F ? ?
Comedian Marc Maron interviews funny people.
Duncan Trussell Family Hour  Duncan Trussell Family Hour
Comedian interviews musicians and generally odd people.
Sam Harris Waking Up with Sam Harris
Neuroscientist and philosopher explores the relationship between the human mind and current events.
Diet Soap  Zero Squared (formerly Diet Soap)
Philosophical podcast with frequent forays into Leftist politics.
Category:  History

Category:  Real-Life Sciences (including health, environment)
Stuff to Blow Your Mind  Stuff to Blow Your Mind
Medium-length podcast (usu. ~20-30 mins) with an interesting perspective on current science news.  Note: several other podcasts are available from the ever-illuminating Marshall Brain's website, "How Stuff Works", on a variety of topics, but this is definitely my favorite.  Go to the "How Stuff Works" site and click the tab that says "Podcasts" (no better link)
Hidden Brain Hidden Brain
Researchers discuss the subconscious patterns that influence our conscious choices and actions.
Inquiring Minds  Inquiring Minds
Chris Mooney examines whether political voices actually understand science.
Obesity Panacea  Obesity Panacea
The causes of obesity are complex -- this blog focuses on sedentary behavior itself being unhealthy.
Latest in Paleo  Humans Are Not Broken
Tips on paleo and "primitive" diets.
The Partially Examined Life  Partially Examined Life
Podcast by washed-up ex-Philosophy majors, usually reviews an important philosophical book or treatise.
Skeptoid Skeptoid
Investigates urban legends, "unexplained" phenomena, and conspiracy theories with an eye towards de-bunking them.  Yet, when he presents the "wuu-wuu" side of the story, he often unearths fascinating and fanciful stories that spur the imagination!
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe  Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
Skepticism & Sound Reasoning in an entertaining format.  (Contains “Science or Fiction” where host presents two true news items and one false and the guests have to guess which is false).  I find this a tad cynical and condescending at times, East Coast tough humor.
QuackCast QuackCast
Arrogantly ridicules alternative medicine.  I have listened occasionally as a reality check against some of the more exotic quasi-medicinal supplements I enjoy taking.

Meta-Category:  Writing, and Podcasting (itself), also Comedy and Film
This Is Hell ! !
I don't follow many podcast aggregators etc., but this is an NPR project where listeners nominated favorite podcast episodes and judges reviewed them.
Jesse Mercury  Sci Fi with Jesse Mercury
Singer/songwriter chats about his favorite sci-fi.  Left link is his personal podcast;  he also does "Sci-Fi On Trial" where he and several friends review sci-fi movies that flopped and judge whether they deserved their failure or success.
Full Cast Podcast  Full Cast Podcast
Meta-Podcast with tips and tricks to podcasting and audio dramas.
Mur Lafferty  I Should Be Writing
Prolific author's interviews and tips on writing.
Dead Robots' Society Dead Robots' Society
Another podcast of writing tips.
Writing Excuses  Writing Excuses
Another podcast of writing tips.
John Oliver The Bugle
John Oliver was podcasting before it was cool (and before he was successful).
Pod F. Tompkast  Pod F. Tompkast
Another comedic podcast, linked to the SuperEgo Podcast.
The Nerdist  The Nerdist
Numerous different podcasts revolving around geekdom and comedy.
Maximum Fun Ethos  Maximum Fun Ethos
Eclectic family of podcasts ranging from college days nostalgia to comedy.
The Snydecast  Snydecast
Another comedy geek podcast.
. . . .
Category:  Music
See the must-check list at top of page:  Probably Punk, and the Internet Archive Music public radio:  WBEZ Sound Opinions (Note: If you like a musical performance, they often separate it out on their archive page.)  
Also:  The CurrentKEXP Song of the Day, KEXP Music that Matters, KCRW Top Tune
The GwarCast (FB) Central for all things gore and GWAR.
Jonah Raydio Usually a discussion of Los Angeles-area local bands and the music scene.
Listen Local Radio (SD) San Diego's music scene.
Song Exploder Britain's Finest
Category:  Evansville, Indiana Local Podcasts
I was surprised to find that my small town of Evansville has a thriving podcast community.  These podcasts are somewhat oriented towards local news and interests, but you might hear some good music or some interesting political discussion.  And some good slices of life. Local Podcasts are members of the Evansville Podcast Network:  Clockwork Nights explores the local music scene.  Don't Quit Your Daydream talks to hobbyists.  Beyond Repair highlights how to fix everything -- from clothing to politics.  Brewer's View pretends to be a podcast about brewing but they always talk about sports instead.  Nicole DeBoom has varied local interests.  Politics Aside is about local Evansville politics as well as National stuff sometimes.
Category:  Meditation and Spirituality
Category:  RPG's (Role Playing Games)
Haste !  Haste!
Obsidian Portal podcast regarding the latest developments in D&D and role-playing gaming.

New and Promising:  or at least new to me. And If I'm Really Itching for a New Podcast...

Where Are They Now?  Podcasts that have completed a limited run, or don't look like they're being updated.
The DrabblecastThe Drabblecast
I can't even believe that this one has faded away.  It's most of the reason that I got into podcasts in the first place.  
Home for weird fiction.  Deliciously sick and twisted, often horror fiction, doesn’t fit into categories.  “Spread the weird”
Note:  Fans of the Drabblecast produce their own audio stories on a separate page, and they're often well worth listening to.  Check out the Dribblecast.
The Extra-EnvironmentalistThe Extra-Environmentalist
Can't even believe that this one's gone either.  I was even a contributor!  
Interviews alternative analysis specialist authors (economics, art, ecology, cooking, etc., much more).  Focuses on the collapse of our civilization, Peak Oil, environmental collapse – however, maintains a positive attitude.  “All the Doom without the Gloom”
Note that the Extra-Environmentalists are building a channel to include not only video lectures and classes, but also many different topics.  The first spinoff podcast is the Energy Transition Show.
Probably PunkProbably Punk
Joe Wise, Californian folk punk-er, hangs out with his friends.
Bored and Brilliant Bored and Brilliant
I've been meaning to check out this acclaimed mini-series about how to kick cell phone addiction and related bad habits.  Link at left is the full series.  Other links include the Initial Challenge from All Things Considered, and the Boot Camp.
The Onion
America's Finest News Source seems to have abandoned its podcast and does video sketches only.
Surfrider Foundation  Surfrider Foundation
Interviews with those who Make Waves.  Looks like it hasn't been updated since 2013.
Surfrider Foundation Ted Rall:  Ted Talks, Jen Talks
One of my favorite cartoonists and commentators, Ted Rall, engages in a current events political podcast with one of his radio producers, Jen.
The Pod Delusion The Philosophical Beat Bahman Sarram, extraordinary violinist, interviews music stars and asks about not only their music but their philosophy.
The Pod Delusion Pod Delusion Skeptical British podcast (e.g. "The God Delusion").  Announced a hiatus starting 8/2014.
BBC - AHOW  A History of the World in 100 Objects Like an audio tour of a museum but more interesting.  What can beautifully described artifacts from the entire world, from 50,000 years ago to the present, tell us about the people who made them?  (Podcast was a limited series which ended, no new episodes).
Tor Books Podcast Tor Books Short science-fiction from a popular book publisher.  Doesn't seem to have updated since 2011.
TomCast  Tom Dispatch (Tomcast) Very brief interviews with authors of left-leaning political analysis from TomDispatch magazine.  Doesn't seem to have updated since 2012 (Internet Archive).
Irregular Climate Irregular Climate Debunks disingenuous climate change ‘skeptics’ with evidence and thought.
Soundings, by Island Press Soundings, by Island Press Another limited series which appears to be over, a dozen podcasts about sustainability issues in urban settings.
Mangled Meditations  Mangled Meditations Described as "LSD for your Ears," these 22 podcasts were basically free-form audio noise art.  (Limited series, now over, no new ones).
Transmissions from Beyond Transmissions from Beyond Short science-fiction from "Interzone" magazine.  Seems dead.
Transmissions from Beyond New Fiction Writers As the name implies!  But seems dead.