A Few Rock Favorites


I think the genre of "Rock Music" has prospered and stuck with us for so long, because it has the strength born of diversity. Even as record companies continue trying to seed our radios with hydroponic clones, you need so little effort to just reach out and pick a different band, homegrown, wild, who speaks to you personally. Here I'm going to start at the ancient roots and branch out to some newer buds.

Once again here's a warning: Clicking one of the links below will take you to a page with one or more music clips on them. The file size of the music clip is about 500k (half a Megabyte). A telephone Internet connection might take 5 full minutes to load the 500k clip. Don't panic. But be ready to download some large files.

  • The Beatles: George Harrison's last song confirms what the Beatles were singing about their whole lives: in the journey of Life, you have the freedom to take "Any Road"
  • The Who's song "I'm Free" reaches far beyond the story of the Tommy album. P.S. Did you know the Who also wrote science fiction? Click the link to find out.
  • Pearl Jam speaks to me like pretty much no other group. Eddie Vedder claims he writes many of his songs while surfing, and that sure seems true from the song "Oceans"
  • Screaming Trees: 'Not all who wander are lost,' (--Tolkien), but is it possible to wander "Too Far Away" ?
  • Stroke 9 uses a few short lyrics to capture a story that absolutely everyone has gone through themselves. "Vacuum Bag"
  • Munkafust rocks out even when they're meditating! Because music shakes the "Dirt off My Soul"
  • The Lost Pilgrims, a local San Francisco group, wrote a lyric that describes my life so well I almost want to have it tattoo'ed on my forehead.


  • 3against1, a local San Diego group, nearly made it onto the Lyrics page with their songs "Monster" and "Broken" and "Buried Alive". If you like your rock with an edge, both musically and lyrically, check 'em out.
  • The Evergreens, also San Diego locals, crank out good solid Alternative Rock on a daily basis.
  • 34 Below, SoCal locals, toured with the famous cetacean artist Wyland to promote protection of the ocean ecosystem. Gotta give 'em mad props for that!
  • T-Minus-1, from San Francisco, another rock band with a Punk edge, captures the angst of modern life better than anyone since roughly Alice In Chains ten years ago.
  • The Big Provider packs a lot of talent into a 3-piece band and they seem to be endlessly inventive. Ya never know what they're gonna play next.
  • Curtis Peoples, from the ashes of the classic rock band "3 Simple Words", is an old soul. For him, the "3 Simple Words" mean "Rock & Roll".
  • Jake, more San Diego locals, are just finishing up a nationwide tour.


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  • My first name is Kevin
  • My last name is Wohlmut
  • My middle name is Arthur
