King MissileThis song perfectly captures that moment when the sun is streaming into your window and you're wondering "How To Remember Your Dreams" |
There are a lot of groups out there who use humor in their songs, but hands-down nobody beat King Missile at it. What a pity they're no longer active. Typically the backing band would play an inventive Rock tune while the lead singer mouthed side-splittingly hilarious lyrics in a monotone. These are the people responsible for such classics as the "Detachable Penis" song, "Sensitive Artist," and "Jesus Was Way Cool". Apart from the postmodern wit, musically this band is very talented. Their live show was even more entertaining: during the song "Pickaxe," the lead singer ran into the crowd swinging an actual pickaxe around his head; during the song about the "Cheesecake Truck," knowledgeable fans threw dozens of cheesecakes on the stage. Here's my favorite King Missile song, and it has to be heard to be believed -- hence the audio clip.
This song is copyright by King Missile. No ownership or permission is expressed or implied. The accompanying audio clip is for your "review purposes", in other words, I am explicitly hoping that this sample inspires you to go out and buy the song. And thereby avoid having King Missile sue me. |